Friday afternoon we took all the babies outside for some fresh air/sun and to run around. Here's some pictures.
This is how it all started. . . the kids following me from their stall out to the goat pen area. The followed me surprisingly well!!

One of the llamas meets the Boer buckling,
Doelings tasting something. The two that you can see (in front :)), on the left is "Fatty Maddy" ('Maddy'); and on the right is "Drama Queen" ('Drama'), LOL!
Running kids!
the "2 legged" and "4 legged" kids running,
Well, I guess not a whole lot else going on. I am hoping to be able to take the babies outside again today. . . we'll see, it looks like it is going to rain. The next hay load is suppose to come Thursday, hopefully everything will work out!
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