Here is information about the bucks we currently have here at Good Goats. Most of the pictures below are very outdated, so I will put more recent ones up as I can. Thank you for looking! You can also check out our buck page on our website.
Mini Nubian bucks:
PawPawNin Quiet Wyatt
This is Wyatt, our 2nd generation Polled buck. He is a very sweet buy that is easy to handle, even when in rut, and produces beautiful kids. His ears are only 2/3 drop, so not perfect, but otherwise I think he is pretty nice! His daughters also produce milk very well and have nice udders. Thank you to Paula Halicki of PawPawNin Caprines for this buck!
DOB: 02/22/06
SS: Saguaro TrinityS: N AZ Anatolians Little Abner (1st gen)
SD: AZ High Country Racheals April
DS: Dallyup Ranch Harley Davidson
D: PawPawNin Trixster's Vixen (1st gen)
DD: Ragels Ziegenhof Sunshine

PawPawNin Junior Mint
Junior Mint is our 1st generation Mini buck. He is a bit more on the wild side than Wyatt, but he gets the breeding job done and throws beautiful kids! His kids almost always have very nice and long ears. I have some sisters of his and daughters, they all milk very well and have nice udders!
DOB: 04/05/06
SS: *B Desert Willow Rock's LegolasS: Ragers Ziegenhof AZ Gandalf
SD: Jacob's Pride Pistachio Cookie
DS: Dallyup Ranch Harley Davidson
D: PawPawNin LaTasha (1st gen)
DD: PawPawNin Raven Beauty
Dreamy-Hollow's Parker
Parker is a handsome young buck from the Spaulding Family at Dreamy-Hollow Dairy Goats. Parker stands on very correct feet and legs, and although he is not the flashiest, he makes very cute kids! I am milking his first daughter I had out of him, and she has a beautiful, easy to milk udder and is giving lots of milk! Parker is also a 1st generation Mini and a very sweet little guy.
DOB: 02/21/08
SS: Hill's Acres BTNR Hidalgo
S: Hill's Acres HDGL Clark (ADGA Nubian)
SD: Hill's Acres Annudder Explorer
DSe: PromisedLand Cereal Killer
D: Dill's CK Piper
DD: Silversprings CGS Glory
Dreamy-Hollow's HHB Lando
Another handsome buck from the Dreamy-Hollow herd, Lando is a 1st generation buck with nice type and a great pedigree! He has blue eyes, very long ears, and a correct body. I am just getting my first kids out of Lando this year, and I really like them... although I didn't get a doe ;). A big "thank you" to the Spauldings for Lando!
DOB: 06/06/08
SS: +*B SGCH Goldthwaite Bonny's Black Tie
S: Hedge Hollow Brando
SD: Hedge Hollow LVS Amazing GraceDS: EnGedi EGFDFF Tyny *S
D: Colortime T Painted Lady
DD: Easy Stream Lucky Cat II
Wonderful Farm TR Shinning Topaz
Topaz is a beautiful 3rd generation buckling. He is very dairy, nice years, comes from great milking lines and is colorful on top of that with blue eyes! Very friendly little guy and should be a great herd sire.
DOB: 2/09/09
Nigerian Dwarf bucks:
SQSW Berry Blast
Berry is our blue eyed Nigerian! He is so small, yet nice typed and friendly. Plus he is very colorful! Thanks to Susie G for this adorable little buck to help out in the Mini-Nubian breeding program! I had my first kid out of him in 2010, a beautiful little doeling.
DOB: 02/23/08
SS: Prairie Wood Choc O Lot
S: Prairie Wood Im All That
SD: Prairie Wood Angel
DS: Woodhaven Farms Lonesome Blues
D: Copper Penny Autumn
DD: OTR Rock's Indian-Summer
Boer bucks:
KB346 Ace In The Hole
Ace is our Fullblood Boer buck. He is a very handsome guy. We had our first kids born from him in 2010, and they are beautiful kids! More info later!
DOB: 08/09/07