It's been a busy week. How about a recap in photos (mostly)?
Neither udders got a perfect shaving job, but at least most of the hair is gone. This first one is Paprika, one of our American Alpine does. Isn't it a beauty? She is from the Te-Iltcohe herd. She produces a lot of milk for a looong time. One of my favorite Alpines here on the ranch.
This is Niniel's udder. She is from the same herd. She is a much smaller goat than Paprika, and her udder isn't as nice, but she is a good milker as well.

The babies are all getting so big. This black little girl is the first kid that was born this year in January, one of quads. She is a short, fat little thing. I need to get a picture of her face as it is just darling. Her name, at least for the moment, is "Wild Thing", although she is very calm. Not sure how that happened...
The white girl with the chocolate head on the left is a Nubian/Alpine cross doeling. Nope, she doesn't have an ounce of Boer in her, although she looks like she could. She is my little brother's goat... he claims her has his goat anyway. Her name is "Lulu."
The Alpine on the right here is the doeling out of our great milker Bar-Jon Honey Bun that we are keeping this year. So glad she finally gave us a girl! Her name is "Honey Pot".
Joy, a grade Nubian girl we are keeping this year. She is such a sweet calm baby.
Look at those ears! This is Patience, one of the Nupine sisters we got from the Dill herd. She is the calmer of the two.
She certainly isn't a goat. She most definitely is not quiet. But she is absolutely spoiled. Tiny Bit, the crippled lamb, is growing like a weed.
And last but not least, meet "Party." She loves her Mama, as you can see in the photo below... or at least she likes to sleep on her. She's a soft, squishy bed after all - much cozier than the hard ground. Party's twin brother didn't make it past the first week of life unfortunately. I think there was something wrong with him since birth. Party is a hilarious, cute little goat and is growing so incredibly fast.
Have a great day!
Nice pictures!
You take amazing pictures!
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