It's been a very very busy past couple of days here!
Friday afternoon MoReen gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The girl is the grey one - she looks like a donkey, I think... but she's still pretty cute!
After getting home a little late Friday evening, one of the Boer kids had gotten her foot stuck in a feeder (we found out why thankfully - something had been placed by it so she could jump into the feeder - bad idea), and her back leg was broken. Poor thing. She is just 6 weeks old. The break wasn't that bad, so I think she will heal up pretty quickly. Got her all splinted up and put back out with her momma.

Really early Saturday morning me and 11 friends of mine got up and headed out to Oklahoma City for the Ron Paul rally. I did a few chores before leaving (at 6am) and left the rest for Mom to deal with (thank you!!). It was a really great day. The turnout was awesome - the estimates were anywhere from 1700 to 3000 people being there. Either way, the crowd was large and the cheers and chants for Ron Paul were really great. First time I have actually seen him speak in person - pretty cool!! We got there a lot earlier than most folks, and were put in charge of taking all the official campaign donations and selling shirts/bumper stickers/etc. Wasn't expecting to do that, but it kept us busy all day long! We got home after dark Saturday evening, sunburned and very tired. It was well worth it though!!
the Oklahoma state capital after all the crowds left. . . we were the very last people to leave!
While I was gone Saturday, one of our Nubian does, Target, gave birth to twins - a buck and doe. They are out of our Nubian buck Hershey.
the boy is the bigger one,
Sunday I was exhausted, but ranch life goes on. I was busy cleaning stalls late that morning and heard a kid screaming at the back of the barn. I looked out, and one of our Saanen does, Blizzard, had dropped a buckling! I don't have a due date for any of them, as they were running with a Boer buck at someone else's place.
A few minutes later, she had another large buckling. Thankfully she had NO trouble getting them out!
Blizzard (Saanen) on the left cleaning her own kid, and since Target (right) had kidded the day before she still had motherly instincts and wanted to help clean the babies off!
This morning I was up early, and Rosie (Nubian doe) was in labor. I was able to bottle all the kids, and then she had triplets. I put one of my sister's in charge of cleaning them off while I milked all the does, went back to feed these new babies (2 boys and a girl - girl is the black one on the right).
I was able to get a few other things done and then Kamryn (another Nubian doe) kidded to twins, a buckling and doeling.
Whew! Busy weekend. Today besides birthing and feeding kids, I am busy catching up from the weekend on lots and lots of stuff.
So, Friday a doe kidded, Saturday a doe kidded, Sunday a doe kidded, Monday 2 does kidded and there are many more does that look like they are going to kid any minute!
I think my vacation time is OVER! :)!
Well, it's time for evening chores. Have a good evening everyone!!