Hello Blogging Friends!
It's been awhile, as usual, but things have been rather busy here in a different way. I am not going to post about ranch life today but rather, politics. But I'm not talking normal boring politics here. The politics we are doing, are to save America as we all know, or at least how we used to know it. If you are at all aware of what is going on around you, you know that America is going down the drain, quickly. We are insanely in debt, are in wars that we have no business being in, our government is majorly overreaching and overusing their powers, and so on. Somebody has to fight back and get this country back to the principles it was founded on. Have you ever heard of the Ron Paul Revolution? We the People are fighting a peaceful revolution to return this country back to how it was meant to be by our Founding Fathers.
So, onto why I have been so busy. This past Saturday was the Oklahoma Republican State Convention. Simply put, it is where, among many other things, the Oklahoma state delegates vote on who will be a National GOP delegate and go to the Republican National Convention this August in Tampa, Florida. Things typically go smooth and boring. Not this go around.
Friday morning I left my ranch for the weekend in the hands of my wonderful mother and little siblings, and off on a long car ride to Oklahoma City (okay, it's not THAT long).
After a State Committee meeting, there was a Liberty Pep Rally Friday night. There were speakers such as Tom Woods and Jason Rink, and great music by Jordan Page. It was a great time and breather from the craziness of the convention that would come the next day.
got there a bit early... this place filled up!
Some of my family and me with Jordan Page,
Jordan Page
Nathan Dahm,
one of our wonderful Ron Paul Grassroots leaders, Lukus Collins,
Jason Rink,
Tom Woods (very entertaining speaker, by the way!),
my wonderful sister and one of our Ron Paul Grassroots leaders, Qadoshyah Fish,
Richard Engle's hospitality suit,
After getting to bed very late Friday night, we got up bright and early Saturday morning and headed to the State Convention. I went and helped with registrations from about 6:45 till 9:30am. Everyone else buzzed off and did their own job. Below is a picture of our Ron Paul table. The line waiting for the Ron Paul table was insanely long, it was amazing to see so many people that truly care about America, care about peace, about freedom, about our Constitution, and about justice.
After registration, I got my laptop and a camera and live streamed the entire event, from about 10am till 10:30pm. At the highest point I had almost 2,000 live viewers.
that whole line is people waiting in line for the Ron Paul table,
Nearly 11am the Convention was finally started, and I really cannot go into all the details here, but almost everything was done NOT according to the rules. It was my first State Convention, so it was confusing enough, and then when the rules were completely disregarded, it was even more confusing. They voted in the Establishment National delegate slate by a voice and standing vote, which is COMPLETELY against the rules. To vote in a slate it has to be done by a roll call vote. Shortly afterward and after a TON of commotion, the meeting was adjourned illegally. The nay calls against adjourning the meeting far outweighed the ayes. So, one of our grassroots leaders and hero of the day, Brady Wright, went to the mic and said the convention will continue outside in the parking lot, and everybody is welcome!

And so, according to Roberts Rules of Order, the convention was continued in the parking lot. Since SO many things were done not according to the rules, we had to redo a LOT. And so, we stood in the parking lot for nearly 5 hours getting everything done according to the order of business.
there I am with my laptop, trying to readjust everything outside!
And so, us "
Parking Lot Patriots" finished everything according to the correct order of business and voted in our Conservative Values slate to go to the RNC in Tampa, FL in August.
It was a very, very long day but an amazing time. To see how the GOP Establishment could have cared less about the rules, and how those of us who are fighting for freedom did everything according to the rules, was just amazing. A big hand to all my fellow Parking Lot Patriots and those of you who were with us online, and who sent pizza to the parking lot from all over the country, and to our wonderful grassroots leaders, and so so many others I cannot even mention you all - THANK YOU!
A quick list of pages you might want to check out:
And while you're at it, you might as well check out the
Daily Paul!
Hope you all have a good day!
For Liberty,
Suriyah Fish