Thursday, October 21, 2010

31/21: Animal Groups/Lists

I thought I'd post about some of the more helpful online and email groups for animals, especially goats.

The one online one that is very helpful is Dairy Goat Info. Since I am under 18, I cannot post (just their rules), but I read a lot on there.

Some of the better email groups are,
Northeast Oklahoma Hay & Feed Coop - well, me and mom are the owners, but it's a good list still :)!
HolisticGoats - very helpful when you have a goat problem, whether you want to treat it naturally or not.
NubianTalk - for all you Nubian goat folks!
Mid-AtlanticMinis - a very friendly group of Mini dairy goat people in the mid-atlantic!

So, not much else exciting going on today. Somehow I hurt my hip (not the first time) yesterday morning so I feel a bit lame, but I think it should get better ;).

Today is the 21st, so that means I only have 10 more days to do a post everyday, then I can get a break :)!!

Have a good day.



Jennifer said...

Thanks for the good info!