Monday, February 15, 2010


Time for an update. . . everyone is doing well! The two "miniature" baby Boers are doing great and growing, they are both nursing on their own - amazing, I was not sure if that little guy was going to make it, but he's a strong little buck now!

Grandma, who had the hypocalcemia, is doing well also. Yesterday was the first day that she actually ate a good amount, although she never went completely off-feed. The past 2-3 days I have been giving her the calcium/magnesium/phosphorus/potassium/etc every 2 hours or so in the day and every 4-5 hours at night (which turns out to be only once). So, thankfully she is doing much better.

If anyone is looking for hay, we are hoping to bring in a truck load of nice, first cutting alfalfa/oat hay ($5 a bale) and possibly some straight alfalfa. When cutting starts, we should start having the alfalfa/grass available then. If you would be interested, feel free to email me for more info.

And don't forget, if you have not joined the Oklahoma Hay & Feed Coop, come on and join! The link to join is on the right!

Yesterday it snowed some more. . . BRR! It has pretty much all melted though. Time to go check Grandma, feed the does their lunch hay, and whatever else.

Have a good day,